Tall Pines is an established neighborhood tucked away just off 319 south. This neighborhood has an abundance of trees that make it ideal for someone who wants to live in a neighborhood but also values privacy.
The streets wind around the neighborhood providing a perfect place for walking or riding bikes.
Brookwood School is tucked away in the back of the neighborhood. Brookwood is an independent, co-educational, college-preparatory day school serving students in Junior Kindergarten through the 12th grade.
Below you will find some information on what homes have been selling for in Tall Pines:
Tall Pines Sales Facts Based on Homes Sold in 2016
Average sales price: $191,980
Average number of square feet: 2490
Average price per square foot: $76
Average Number of Days on Market: 164
Tall Pines Sales Facts Based on Homes Sold in 2075
Average sales price: $189,500
Average number of square feet: 2277
Average price per square foot: $81
Average Number of Days on Market: 107
If you have any questions or would like to schedule a time to see homes in this neighborhood just give us a call or text at 229-221-1423 or send an email to info@theclosersteam.com. We would love to be your Thomasville, GA realtors!